The Proceedings of CSCC 2024 will be published by the Conference Publishing Services (CPS) and will be submitted for indexing to ISI/CPCI (Web of Science), Scopus, EI Compendex, Inspec (IET), Google Scholar, CAS, DOAJ, ACM, ProQuest, Zentrablatt, EBSCO etc
Contact us for other alternative options including Publications in ISI (Clarivate Analytics), Scopus, EI Compendex Journals.
Selected Articles will be published in 2 Volumes with Springer Verlag
A' Volume: Title: Recent Advances in Circuits and Systems
Nikos E. Mastorakis, Technical University of Sofia, Sofia, Bulgaria,
Imre Rudas, Obuda University, Budapest, Hungary,
Michalis Katehakis, Rutgers University, NJ, USA,
B' Volume: Title: Recent Advances in Communications and Computers
Nikos E. Mastorakis, Technical University of Sofia, Sofia, Bulgaria,
Imre Rudas, Obuda University, Budapest, Hungary,
Michalis Katehakis, Rutgers University, NJ, USA,
Check here the proceedings of the previous years
2020: 24th International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Communications and Computers (CSCC), 19-22 July, 2020
CSCC 2020
2021: 25th International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Communications and Computers (CSCC), 19-22 July, 2021
CSCC 2021
2022: 26th International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Communications and Computers (CSCC), 19-22 July, 2022
CSCC 2022
2023: 27th International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Communications and Computers (CSCC), 19-22 July, 2023.
CSCC 2023
Peer review process
Extended versions of all the accepted articles will be published in these journals
Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing (Springer)
Best papers from the conference will appear in this Journal:
No fees for the Journal Publication
This Journal is indexed in ISI (Web of Science), EI Compendex, Scopus, DBLP, ACM etc
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation
No fees for the Journal Publication.
This Journal is indexed in ISI (Web of Science), EI Compendex, Scopus, DBLP, ACM etc
International Journal of Applied Nonlinear Science
No fees for the Journal Publication. This Journal is indexed in ESCI, Zentralblatt etc
and in these Special Issues of MDPI:
MDPI Symmetry
This Journal is indexed in ISI (Web of Science), EI Compendex, Scopus, DBLP, ACM etc
MDPI Sustainability
This Journal is indexed in ISI (Web of Science), EI Compendex, Scopus, DBLP, ACM etc
The previous 4 CSCC Conferences (2016, 2017, 2018, 2019) had been published in MATEC Web of Conferences and have been indexed in ISI, Scopus and EI Compendex. After 2019 the CSCC Multiconference publishes its Proceedings with CPS/IEEEXplore
Check also our publications of our other conference MCSI CPS as Publisher as well as in in ISI, SCOPUS, EI's Engineering Information Index, EI Compendex, DBLP, ACM, SCOPUS, Google Scholar
2018: MCSI 2018
2017: MCSI 2017
2016: MCSI 2016
2015: MCSI 2015
2014: MCSI 2014